Contact us
General enquiries
If you have an enquiry about an existing mortgage account, you can call us on 0345 300 2627 (lines are open Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm, Saturday 9am to 1pm).
If you would like information on Birmingham Midshires' current mortgage range available to new and existing customers, please contact an independent financial adviser who will be able to provide information on our products and the whole of the mortgage market.
Home owner loan / additional borrowing / secured loans
As of 1 October 2011, Birmingham Midshires no longer offers mortgage products direct to customers. This includes servicing existing customers with product transfers, further advances and mainstream mortgages.
Mortgages for new customers
For new customers, Birmingham Midshires mortgages are only available through independent financial advisers.
If your mortgage started after 1 May 2000, your title documents will be held electronically at the land registry for English and Welsh properties. If you have any queries, please contact the Land Registry at
If your mortgage started before 1 May 2000, or is a property in Scotland or Northern Ireland please contact us on 0345 300 2627 for further information.
If you have a complaint regarding any of our services or products please contact us following the complaints procedure.
Make sure you include your full name, postal address and postcode as it appears on your account.
More on our complaints procedure >
Press enquiries
Contact our press team at Lloyds Banking Group Media Relations Team
If you have a query which doesn't fit into any of the categories on this page, you can write to us at:
Birmingham Midshires Mortgage Servicing
PO Box 833